3 research outputs found


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    The majority of cytoplasmic proteins and vesicles move actively primarily to dynein motor proteins, which are the cause of muscle contraction. Moreover, identifying how dynein are used in cells will rely on structural knowledge. Cytoskeletal motor proteins have different molecular roles and structures, and they belong to three superfamilies of dynamin, actin and myosin. Loss of function of specific molecular motor proteins can be attributed to a number of human diseases, such as Charcot-Charcot-Dystrophy and kidney disease.  It is crucial to create a precise model to identify dynein motor proteins in order to aid scientists in understanding their molecular role and designing therapeutic targets based on their influence on human disease. Therefore, we develop an accurate and efficient computational methodology is highly desired, especially when using cutting-edge machine learning methods. In this article, we proposed a machine learning-based superfamily of cytoskeletal motor protein locations prediction method called extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost). We get the initial feature set All by extraction the protein features from the sequence and evolutionary data of the amino acid residues named BLOUSM62. Through our successful eXtreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), accuracy score 0.8676%, Precision score 0.8768%, Sensitivity score 0.760%, Specificity score 0.9752% and MCC score 0.7536%.  Our method has demonstrated substantial improvements in the performance of many of the evaluation parameters compared to other state-of-the-art methods. This study offers an effective model for the classification of dynein proteins and lays a foundation for further research to improve the efficiency of protein functional classification


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    A recent line of research has focused on Ubiquitination, a pervasive and proteasome-mediated protein degradation that controls apoptosis and is crucial in the breakdown of proteins and the development of cell disorders, is a major factor.  The turnover of proteins and ubiquitination are two related processes. We predict ubiquitination sites; these attributes are lastly fed into the extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) classifier. We develop reliable predictors computational tool using experimental identification of protein ubiquitination sites is typically labor- and time-intensive. First, we encoded protein sequence features into matrix data using Dipeptide Deviation from Expected Mean (DDE) features encoding techniques. We also proposed 2nd features extraction model named dipeptide composition (DPC) model. It is vital to develop reliable predictors since experimental identification of protein ubiquitination sites is typically labor- and time-intensive. In this paper, we proposed computational method as named Ubipro-XGBoost, a multi-view feature-based technique for predicting ubiquitination sites. Recent developments in proteomic technology have sparked renewed interest in the identification of ubiquitination sites in a number of human disorders, which have been studied experimentally and clinically.  When more experimentally verified ubiquitination sites appear, we developed a predictive algorithm that can locate lysine ubiquitination sites in large-scale proteome data. This paper introduces Ubipro-XGBoost, a machine learning method. Ubipro-XGBoost had an AUC (area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) of 0.914% accuracy, 0.836% Sensitivity, 0.992% Specificity, and 0.839% MCC on a 5-fold cross validation based on DPC model, and 2nd 0.909% accuracy, 0.839% Sensitivity, 0.979% Specificity, and 0. 0.829% MCC on a 5-fold cross validation based on DDE model. The findings demonstrate that the suggested technique, Ubipro-XGBoost, outperforms conventional ubiquitination prediction methods and offers fresh advice for ubiquitination site identification

    Analysis of IoT Security Challenges and Its Solutions Using Artificial Intelligence

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a well-known technology that has a significant impact on many areas, including connections, work, healthcare, and the economy. IoT has the potential to improve life in a variety of contexts, from smart cities to classrooms, by automating tasks, increasing output, and decreasing anxiety. Cyberattacks and threats, on the other hand, have a significant impact on intelligent IoT applications. Many traditional techniques for protecting the IoT are now ineffective due to new dangers and vulnerabilities. To keep their security procedures, IoT systems of the future will need AI-efficient machine learning and deep learning. The capabilities of artificial intelligence, particularly machine and deep learning solutions, must be used if the next-generation IoT system is to have a continuously changing and up-to-date security system. IoT security intelligence is examined in this paper from every angle available. An innovative method for protecting IoT devices against a variety of cyberattacks is to use machine learning and deep learning to gain information from raw data. Finally, we discuss relevant research issues and potential next steps considering our findings. This article examines how machine learning and deep learning can be used to detect attack patterns in unstructured data and safeguard IoT devices. We discuss the challenges that researchers face, as well as potential future directions for this research area, considering these findings. Anyone with an interest in the IoT or cybersecurity can use this website’s content as a technical resource and reference